The CMME Project: Computerized Mensural Music Editing


CMME Repertory Access


Missa Nauray je jamais


Transcription by Theodor Dumitrescu

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XML score data: Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Agnus dei

Sources listed in database

Source Loc. Title Voices Attribution

Editor's Commentary

Edition in progress, 6/2010. Sources (inventories to appear): BerlS 40021, DresSL 1/D/505, WrocU 428

On the mass's possible attribution to Obrecht, see Theodor Dumitrescu, "De-attributing the Missa Naray je jamais," Journal of the Alamire Foundation 2 (2010): 166-92 (in press).

Pre-existent material: Robert Morton, N'auray je jamais (polyphonic song)

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